He has even attempted to say his own name, is sounds like "Ay-en"!
Aiden continues to try to walk. He's going further and further, but just is not taking off. He can walk clear across the living room, will look at us, then fall to his knees. Frustrating but good that he continues to try.
He is trying to blow ... bubbles, a piece of paper across the table, my hair, anything. We've been working on this to help him with his "oo". It's hilarious! He either lets out a big ol' raspberry or has a wide round mouth blowing out, like sounding out the letter h.
He is trying to imitate us more, but mainly just the number of syllables. For example, for banana, he will say "ah-ah-ah" or pumpkin (and open and many other two syllable words) he will say, "uh-um" or "ah-um" and with each one he inflects his voice.
He's trying out /p/. I have been working on p since last summer! He's been saying "uh, uh, uh" (up, up, up) for some time, but I've heard it with that /p/ a few times now. We've been blowing a lot of bubbles lately too to help that /p/ POP!
His receptive language is growing. I really need to sit down and write a list.
He doesn't cry anymore when I drop him off at school! He smiles! This is HUGE!
the BAD Aiden is still stuck on the same consonants and same vowels. We have m, b, d, and sometimes n (although it seems we've lost it). Then put these with the his vowels of "ah" and "uh", and so consists his vocabulary list.
Even with all the HallOOwEEn sounds of /oo/ and /e/, still nothing. For /oo/ we get a deep, nasally /m/ and for /e/ we get that gasping for air sound.
He's still not walking.
I have to say though that my little monkey makes me smile all.day.long. He has such a great personality, so much spunk, is such a little comedian, and truly is always happy (even when he is screaming, he laughs at himself when he's done ... he thinks it's funny ... I don't).
So there you have it ... so glad the "good" list is longer than the others! Although I have concerns with his expressive language and his maps, I do believe he's doing amazing. I look at him everyday and can't believe my baby is deaf. We have an appointment Wed. with our Hopkin's audiologist to hopefully clear up these mapping issues ... hope this adds more to our good list!
It is pretty cool that our deaf babies are making noises and communicating using language!
Sounds like hes doing pretty well with his verbal skills!!
I think he is doing AMAZING!!! If it makes you feel any better, Peas didn't walk until he was 19 months and Cameron was 20. It will come!
I am so glad to hear so many great things! The walking will come, just think of all the other gains he has made! His little brain has been so focused on hearing and communicating that the walking wan't so important! It sounds like our little guys are very similar being so close in age. The bad list will get shorter in time. I am planning on it!
Aiden's "ugly picture" reminds me of Allison. She would suck her thumb and stick her finger up her nose, oh so gross. We will be able to share a picture of this with her future husband, she did it at my brother-in-laws wedding, lovely.
Can't wait to meet you here in Columbus.
Hi Tammy...
I know you guys are working hard providing language for Aiden! Try not to worry about the words, sounds he has lost, they will come back! I have some kiddoes in my class and in the 2's class next to mine who have the same vocab. that Aiden has now. It will come! He can hear...he will talk..and he will walk! Love and miss y'all!
What a great blog, it reminds me of Sienna, alot. They have similar speech sounds, they both are not walking and they are both in their terrible twos. Keep up the great work, the sounds he's making now are reminders that there are still many more to come. Good luck with your audiology appointment.
ah yes, the early terrible twos!!! we have that TOO! you are doing such good work with him- it is paying off! he is probably about to explode with language. i hope the next mapping helps!
Tammy- Kyle did not walk until he was 22 months and he did not give up the bottle until age 2---must be a kenny trait!
Tammy - Sydney didn't attempt to walk until 16 months. I heard somewhere that late walkers tend to be very intelligent. Now I don't think Sydney is a genius but she had her kindergarten screening last month and tested out at a 4 1/2 to 5 year old level for all areas except gross motor skills where she tested at a 2 1/2 year old level (she was 3 in June!!).
Aiden will start walking soon enough and when he does, watch out!! He seems to be working hard on talking right now and it is amazing what he can already do.
Love, Maggie
Aarav is 18 month old and still not walking. He cruises comfortably, walks holding my finger.. (well drags us behind him with a lot of energy.. ) He pushes chairs and his trike literally running behind it..
But still, not walking independantly.. no even a few steps!!!
I am so worried!! but looks like after reading about Aiden and above comments as well, I can wait a bit more too....
Will read further blogs about what happens..
Aarav is 18 month old and still not walking. He cruises comfortably, walks holding my finger.. (well drags us behind him with a lot of energy.. ) He pushes chairs and his trike literally running behind it..
But still, not walking independantly.. no even a few steps!!!
I am so worried!! but looks like after reading about Aiden and above comments as well, I can wait a bit more too....
Will read further blogs about what happens..
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