Saturday, March 13, 2010

From Snow to Sunshine

Just a few weeks ago we were overloaded with snow. Since it was too cold to go outside and play, we brought it in.

Aiden got to SCOOP and DUMP, make HILLS then pretend to drive the trucks UP and DOWN the hill, make SNOWBALLS, play find the (insert object), BURY, DIG, and "ooooo, the snow is so COLD, brrrr", FILL the cup up until it's FULL then PAT-PAT-PAT the snow down, and even make a mini SNOWMAN ... all from the kitchen sink.

Oh, and his big sister even taught him about "yellow snow" and how never to eat it.

Aiden has played in the snow before, but not like this. Everytime we took him outside he sort of stayed away from touching too much of it. It took him a little bit to get his hands "cold and wet", but before too long, he was having a blast.

Fast forward just a few weeks and it's feeling like Spring outside! The sun is shining and I can't keep Aiden inside. So I picked up an indoor herb garden to plant with Aiden.

With this Aiden got to POUR the water into the BOWL to BREAK UP the SOIL and MIX it all up with a big SPOON, SCOOP the soil into the PLANT POTS, OPEN the SEED packets and POUR them into the soil then PAT-PAT-PAT the soil down, and pour more SOIL into the POTS, then WATER the PLANTS so they can grow.
Both of these activities also worked on Aiden's sensory integration (SI) goals, such as being able touch and feel different textures but even more so, being able to sustain attention to one activity for more than 5 minutes (which we're working very hard on)! It is very important that he feels a sense of accomplishment to help him attain this goal.

And as you can see, he is very proud of his final product!


leah said...

I love it! I bet he loved playing with the snow in the sink (I once did it in the bathtub, and our kids loved it). We just bought a seed kit today, lol. I can't believe spring is almost here!!!

AJ's Mom said...

Awesome Tammy!!!! Love the planting idea!