Aiden and I took our first neighborhood walk here in Maryland.

This was our scenery ...
I'm in heaven.
Last weekend we explored the
Annapolis area. Navy was playing Temple. The city was so alive. Naval Academy cadets walked proudly in their uniforms. History all around - with the cobblestone roads, buildings from the 1700's, sailboats all docked at the bay, people riding bikes, eating ice cream, drinking cold beers on the patios of old world taverns ... it was beautiful. I walked with that "proud to be an American" feeling. I can tell this will be a place we visit frequently. (forgot my camera ... these are cell phone pics).

We're all adjusting pretty well. I was very emotional at first, watching over half of our belongings put into storage as we moved the rest into a two bedroom apt. Big adjustment from nearly 2,800 sq. ft of living space to just over 1,000 (less to clean right?!). The living arrangement is, let's just say, "comfy & cozy" (and temporary)! The cost of living here is crazy too. With me not working right now (to take care of Aiden's needs), we're really learning how to cut back.
Ryan and Kailyn haven't complained once about being "roomies"; in fact they haven't complained once about anything they're experiencing. They're such troopers! Their first week of school was a success and they're both loving their classes. As a mom, I was more nervous than they were, but they're both very outgoing, and everything went fine. Ryan's only complaint is that they don't start athletics here until high school and that the classes are "too easy" ... I told my brain child to give it time.
It feels great to be back up north. I can't express this enough!
It feels great knowing we can jump in the car with the kids and ALWAYS have something to do.
It feels great knowing we'll have four seasons again ... a.k.a. TREMENDOUS LANGUAGE OPPORTUNITIES!
It feels great breathing in this fresh, crisp, fall air and listening to the leaves fall from trees and crumble under my feet.
It feels great telling my children about all the history of the area and seeing their excitement to learn all about it (well, Ryan's excited anyway ... you know, he WILL run for president one day ... remember his name!)
It feels great knowing we're only 4 to 6 hours from family vs. the 24 plus hours!
It feels great knowing we're well on our way to getting our binky boy's cochlear implants at one of the best hospitals in our nation!
It feels great knowing of all the wonderful resources available in the area for
Aiden ... in fact I'm looking into a parent-infant class at a
school that has a phenomenal oral/deaf program and that was recommended by many mommies AND Miss Helen & Miss Becky, both of which I have a lot of respect (and
Aiden's Texas
It feels great not feeling so STRESSED. I see it gone from my husband's face and my whole body feels relief.
Us girl's miss our time with our girlfriends (oh how I do miss my Thursday night girlfriend's night out!), the boys miss their pig hunting (yes, I said pig hunting - it was Texas), we're cutting coupons, eating at home instead of out, playing board games, exploring and finding things to do that don't cost much; but the excitement of starting a new adventure, in a completely different part of the country with so much to offer, has been just amazing!
Fall is so wonderful! Maryland looks like a great place to live, and you have history all around you! Not to mention DC and all the neat places to explore in that area. And you can't beat being closer to family!
I think we have the same pilot cap as Aiden, lol!
You're here!! Cool! Aren't the leaves just gorgeous now?
(I have lived here 11 years and never been to Annapolis. Shame on me!)
Email me if you're ever willing to make the big trek to Virginia or want to meet up. mjp3md at gmail dot com
Welcome to Maryland
Do not forget that there is Ocean City, Md on the Eastern Shore. Maryland is a wonderful place. I live in Hebron, Md which is on the other side of the Bay Bridge near
Salisbury, Md. I am going to John Hopkins on the 24th of Nov to the first appt. I am not a CI yet.
Leah - Fall in Texas just isn't the same .. a lot of times it feels like we go straight from hot to cold! haha
MB - I actually can't believe how close we are to Virginia so I'd LOVE to head that way and meet up! I'll email you soon!
futurebionicearmom - We're checking out the Eastern shore this weekend! Good luck with your JH appt.! They're awesome!
Sounds like you are all doing GREAT with so much transition. I love your attitude... you've got a great family :0)
I am so glad that your move went well and you are enjoying the change. I'm from CA originally and certainly miss the Fall! Enjoy and keep up the great attitude!
I lived around the Annapolis area for 3 years. I loved it, I am a real history buff, to be so close to Washington DC was great. You will need to take the family to the 4th of July celebration in DC at least once. It is something to see.
Glad to hear that you are adjusting well to the new area.
I will be looking forward to hearing about the surgery date.
Tammy, thanks so much for the pics of Maryland. I am glad that everyone is making the adjustment. I am really glad that the stress is off your husband's face....he deserves that....and priceless! We miss ya'll!
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